I was dubious, I must admit before going to see this show. A full mask piece? An hour and a half? No speech? I could honestly not see myself enjoying Vamos' work. But boy, was i suprised, i would urge anyone to go and see mask work, especially that of Vamos, who are a travelling company so there is no excuse. It seems impossible that you wuld be able to build a relationship with a mask, that is only able to convey one emotion, but trust me it is. Within half an hour I was laughing and crying with the characters. The plot is based on the former Worcester Hospital and switches between time periods of the present day and WW2, with one key charcater a nurse called Florence in her nursing hayday and then as an old women visiting the hospital for the final time.
In addition to this treat of a show I enjoy the further luxury of having Vamos' Artistic Director & Performer Rachael Savage as a lecturer & what a suprise it was when I was told we too would be able to create a 'Vamos' mask.
Here is the beginings of my mask, Firstly the clay stage where the mask & it's expression can be moulded and played with...

My mask is a character inspired by Vamos' next show 'Much Ado About Wenlock' she is a jolly bar maid, I think i'm going to call her Ester, but I'm not quite sure yet.
Here is the second step of mask making, the clay mask is put in a vac former where melted pastic moulds into the clay, we then primed the plastic with a white primer to make it easier to paint in the next lecture

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